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Winky 40cm

R 40.00

Winky is a 40cm (16 inch) jointed cloth doll. If you’re looking for a life-size baby doll pattern, you’re going to love this doll crammed with detail. The doll has sculpted wrists and fingers. We know that dimples make babies cute and Winky has them in all the right places, such as the navel, elbows, and the knees. There are also full-size pattern sheets for the clothes – you can make a nappy, vest, and booties to dress your life-size rag doll.

Add to cart R 40.00

Winky is a 40cm (16 inch) baby doll pattern to make a realistic cloth doll with movable arms and legs. If you’re looking for a printable rag doll pattern, you’re going to love Winky. Our full-size cloth doll patterns in PDF format are crammed with detail and this baby cloth doll pattern is no different. The doll has sculpted wrists and fingers. We know that dimples make babies cute and Winky has them in all the right places, such as the navel, elbows, and the knees. There are also full-size pattern sheets for the clothes – you can make a nappy, vest, and booties to dress your life-size rag doll.

Materials Required for This Pattern:

For the Dolls:

  • 35cm Cotton knit fabric for each doll
  • Wool (knitting yarn) for the hair
  • One pair of 18mm sew-on wiggly eyes per doll
  • Eyelashes (optional)
  • Fabric paint—red and brown
  • Powder blusher for the cheeks
  • 4 x 20mm Shank buttons for each doll
  • 350 grams of polyester stuffing

For the Clothes:

  • 25cm x 115 cm stretch fabric (rib trim) for the vest
  • Oddment of toweling for the nappy
  • 80cm of narrow lace
  • 50cm of ribbon
  • Buttons for trimming
  • Narrow ribbon for the hair

Sewing Tools and General Supplies:

In addition to the items in the supplies list above, you will need general sewing supplies such as a stuffing stick, sewing thread, and hand sewing needles. You can sew the doll with a sewing machine, or assemble it entirely by hand.

Skill Level Needed for Doll Making Patterns

A basic understanding of sewing and working with patterns will ensure success. Previous doll making experience is not necessary, but it will help you to achieve a professional look using our baby doll pattern.

Did You Know That a Life Size Dummy Doll is Not Only for Play?

The first most obvious use of a rag doll is to give it to a toddler as a plaything. However, dolls can also be used in many ways to benefit both children and adults. Here are a few things that doll therapy studies have revealed:

  • Children who play with dolls learn social skills and empathy for other people at a younger age.
  • Playing with dolls can stimulate a child’s imagination and improve their language skills.
  • During play therapy, a child can feel more in control of the situation, use a doll to tell their story and demonstrate emotions and actions that they can’t put into words.
  • Holding a cloth doll can decrease anxiety and agitation in dementia patients.
  • Being put in charge of caring for a baby doll, dementia sufferers can experience more feelings of happiness and are less likely to wander or be verbally abusive.







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